Motorola R2
Beprövad teknik. Förbättrad prestanda. Ny kostym.
En arbetshäst som kombinerar pålitlighet och ergonomi för att leverera användarvänlighet och trygghet.
Motorola R2 är instegsmodell bland de bärbara enheterna i MOTOTRBO-familjen men levererar trots det på de grundläggande punkterna avseende kvalitetskänsla, ljudstyrka och formfaktor.
R2:an är uppgraderingsbar i fler steg än tidigare instegsmodeller vilket gör den mer framtidssäkrad. Samtidigt behåller den samma tillbehörskontakter som föregångarna DP1400 och CP040. Sammantaget förenklar det en uppdatering av befintlig radioflotta.
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MOTOTRBO™ is a complete range of two-way radio equipment based on the international standard DMR, Digital Mobile Radio. Almost all models can be used in both digital and analogue modes. är en komplett serie komradio baserad på den internationella standarden DMR, Digital Mobile Radio. MOTOTRBO™ is also the world’s most popular series of products for digital two-way radio communications, with millions of users globally.
The digital technology powering MOTOTRBO™ provides noticeably better performance, like improved battery life, increased capacity and best-in-class audio thanks to active noise cancelling. The IP-based architecture also provides support for productivity enhancing applications like control room solutions, positioning services, telemetry, etc.
By being backwards compatible, MOTOTRBO™ infrastructure allows the use of both analogue and digital devices simultaneously which enables analogue users to upgrade their equipment in their own pace.
When the Port of Karlshamn was searching for a modern, functional and reliable two-way radio system that could expand with their organisation Mototrbo checked all boxes.
Motorola Linked Capacity Plus provides trunked digital radio communications indoors and outside at Triangeln in Malmö.
The modernisation of the Swedish Home Guard led to Celab’s greatest challenge ever, at least logistically.
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